Klingebiel & Roehder, Development-Military Interfaces (2004)

Futures of Development

Klingebiel, Stephan, and Katja Roehder. „Development-Military Interfaces: New Challenges in Crises and Post-conflict Situations.” Reports and Working Papers No. 5 (2004). Bonn: German Development Institute (GDI). http://www.die-gdi.de/>

In Germany as well as in other donor countries there was in the past a clearly recognizable distance between development actors and military actors and their tasks. The principle of "No development without security" is, however, increasingly assuming the character of a new development paradigm, one that calls for new approaches in development policy. … The present study provides an overview of the different relations between development policy and the military in crises and post-conflict situations. The study both examines the views of the actors involved and takes stock of and categorizes development-military interfaces. Examples are used to illustrate some of the positive and negative experiences that have been made with different interfaces and to point out some aspects of special relevance for development policy. Finally the study outlines some initial strategic approaches and policy options open to development policy in its relationship to military actors.